November 13 & 14, 2019: Blue Monument Lighting


Poojappura  is a place located in the south-east of the city of Trivandrum in India. It is known as "The heart of Trivandrum". The Poojappura park, located in Poojapura is a delightful place of mirth and  divinity. It is also a place of historical importance . This Park was lit up in blue on Nov 14, 2019 as part of observing World Diabetes Day. The initiative was carried out jointly by P. Kesavadev Trust, Jothydev’s Diabetes Hospital and Indian Medical Association (IMA)-Nemom branch.  A public awareness campaign on diabetes was also held. As part of conducting diabetes awareness campaigns across the world during World Diabetes Month, iconic monuments are lit up in blue, representing the colour of diabetes. The theme of this year’s World Diabetes Month is ‘Diabetes: Protect Your Family’ and hence, Poojappura park, the venue, which is a common hangout place for families, was chosen.

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