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An initiative by P. Kesavadev Trust

Welcome to Diabscreen Kerala

Diabscreen Kerala is a major diabetes awareness project of P.Kesavadev Trust. The Diabscreen Kerala team, headed by Dr. Jothydev Kesavadev, conducts diabetes awareness, prevention, and treatment programs at various geographical locations in collaboration with regional organizations.

Diabscreen Kerala is a major diabetes awareness project of P.Kesavadev Trust.

An initiative by P.Kesavadev Trust.

  • Type 1 Management in children - what should teachers know?


On 27 September 2021, P.Kesavadev Trust organized a training program for school and college teachers titled Type 1 Management in children - what should teachers know?. Kerala Education Minister, Shri V. Sivankutty inaugurated and spoke at the program. The program was set off by Ms.Sunitha Jothydev, Executive Director, Jothydev's Diabetes Research Centre (JDC), with a brief welcome speech. Subsequently, Ms. Gopika Krishnan, Director, Academics, gave a compendious speech on Jothydev's Diabetes Research Centre (JDC). Dr.Jothydev Kesavadev gave a brief talk on type 1 diabetes. Dr.Arun Shankar, Medical Director, JDC, elaborated on the difference between Type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes. Ms.Geethu Sanal, Chief Dietitian, spoke on Hypoglycemia and carb counting basics. Ms.Akhila Manoj and Ms.Remya Jose, diabetes nurses, spoke on Insulin administration techniques, insulin pump, CGM and Glucometer respectively. This was followed by a lively discussion. The program was concluded by Dr.Arun Shankar, with a vote of thanks. More than 200 teachers actively participated in the workshop.

FOR MORE : Link 1 | Link 2 | Link 3

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Video Lists

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അർബുദ ചികിത്സ മെച്ചപ്പെടുത്താൻ - Final Part
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അർബുദ ചികിത്സ മെച്ചപ്പെടുത്താൻ - Part I
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Diabetes Par Charcha with Dr.Jothydev Kesavadev
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DREAMS (Type 1 Diabetes Project) Launch by Mohanlal

Video Lists

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അർബുദ ചികിത്സ മെച്ചപ്പെടുത്താൻ - Final Part

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Diabetes Par Charcha with Dr.Jothydev Kesavadev