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Diabscreen Kerala is a major diabetes awareness project of P.Kesavadev Trust. The Diabscreen Kerala team, headed by Dr. Jothydev Kesavadev, conducts diabetes awareness, prevention, and treatment programs at various geographical locations in collaboration with regional organizations.
An initiative by P.Kesavadev Trust.
Dr.Robert Ligthelm, world renowned research diabetologist from Rotterdam, Netherlands was kind enough to spent 2 hours with diabetic patients in the city of Trivandrum, South Kerala to chat with them on diabetes related matters, in a program arranged by Dr.Jothydev Kesavadev on behalf of Diabscreen Kerala, P.Kesavadev Trust at Hotel Muthoot Plaza. (The news was carried by all local media and entry for all patients and public were absolutely free of cost). He was bombarded with questions from the patients and their caretakers and later expressed his excitement on the involvement of patients and the degree of diabetes awareness prevalent among the community.Mr.Peethambara Kurup, Patron of Diabscreen Kerala co ordinated the event. Some selected subjects of public interest discussed by Dr.Robert and Dr.Jothydev are posted here:
(video will appear in the web site soon)
Diabetes should no longer be considered a disease of an individual.It is a disease of the family. If there is one person with diabetes in the family, the whole family should be involved in his or her care, or else management will fail. By far all studies have shown that introducing insulin shots very early in diabetes will help in the long term prevention of complications. Insulin is different from all other oral drugs in the sense that it is natural and not artificial.It is the one otherwise produced by normal human pancreas. Earlier injections were painful, but now they are virtually painless.Newer insulins are much better than older ones in many many ways. Patients should take it without any fear and the one and only side effect is low sugar which can be avoided by properly monitoring and titrating the dosages. The best method of treating type 1 diabetes as in kids is with insulin pumps, if the parents can afford.Also in cases of brittle diabetes insulin pumps are the best. Advanced cases of type 2 diabetes behaves like type 1 when beta cells have almost totally gone. Diabetes being a very serious illness and silent killer, team effort is necessary. The aim of treating diabetes should be to reach the targets of blood glucose, BP and cholesterol.Multiple medications will be necessary for prevention. When one elderly patient said that he is spending Rs.4000 per month for diabetes treatment, Dr.Robert commented that in the absence of preventive medications and daily exercise his expenses will go up by many many times in future and he should be happy with what he is getting now and has not yet had any complications despite 15 years of diabetes. Dr.Robert and Dr.Jothydev highlighted the importance of team work in diabetes management.The role of educators, nurses, dietitians, etc., working in unison with the doctors and the patient and his family members ensures success in treating this life long illness.