Introduction to Jothydev's Diabetes and Research Center
Dr.M S Valiathan talks to Dr.Jothydev:Health and Medical Education in Kerala
Part. 1
Part. 2
Part. 3

December 13, 2020: 14th National Insulin Summit


The 14th national insulin summit was hosted virtually on 12-13 December 2020 with the theme 'Celebrating 100 years of innovation- Insulin for Life'. Dr.Jothydev Kesavadev spoke on "Technological Advances in Insulin delivery and glucose sensing", detailing on smart insulin pens, upcoming new pumps, iCGM etc on 13 December 2020. The national convener of the program was Dr.A.K Das. Two day live interactive event with distinguished national and international faculty witnessed participation of more than 2000 doctors from around the country.

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