Introduction to Jothydev's Diabetes and Research Center
Dr.M S Valiathan talks to Dr.Jothydev:Health and Medical Education in Kerala
Part. 1
Part. 2
Part. 3

November 17, 2020: World Diabetes Day Symposia


On 17th November 2020, Dr.Jothydev Kesavadev spoke at 'Observation of World Diabetes Day & Symposia on Diabetes', a virtual event arranged by Indian Medical Association, Palai, organized under the leadership of Dr.G.Harish Kumar. The topic of his session was 'Life Saving & Easily Available Newer Diabetes Technologies in India'. Dr.Vijayakumar G was the moderator. Dr.Ashok Kumar Das, Dr.Vijay Viswanathan were the other speakers at the event.

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