Introduction to Jothydev's Diabetes and Research Center
Dr.M S Valiathan talks to Dr.Jothydev:Health and Medical Education in Kerala
Part. 1
Part. 2
Part. 3

December 23, 2023: DREAMS Practicals-Alleppey



The DREAMS Practical Session 4, a key component of the DREAMS project under the Kesavadev Trust, was successfully held in Alleppey on December 23, 2023. This event catered specifically to children with type 1 diabetes and their parents, featuring a variety of interactive programs. These included workshops, hands-on activities, and informative educational sessions. The demonstration sessions, along with comprehensive classes on diet and exercise, received particularly positive feedback. The DREAMS team for this session comprised Gopika Krishnan, Geethu Sanal, Dr. Junaid Naina, Anjana Basanth, Gopika Beena Chandran, and Vysakh Chandran. Representatives from the Type 1 Diabetes Foundation—Mr. Navas and Ms. Dereena—and the Type 1 Diabetic Welfare Society, represented by Ms. Ramlath, played a coordinating role and also addressed the attendees. 

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