Introduction to Jothydev's Diabetes and Research Center
Dr.M S Valiathan talks to Dr.Jothydev:Health and Medical Education in Kerala
Part. 1
Part. 2
Part. 3

February 25, 2023: ATTD 16th International Conference



Advanced Technologies and Treatments for Diabetes (ATTD) organized their 16th International Conference in Berlin and online platforms from 22nd to 25th of February 2023. On 25th February, Dr.Jothydev, an invited speaker, lectured on 'Do it yourself artificial pancreas: The affordable Indian experiences.' Dr.Jothydev also presented the original study from JDC titled 'Assessing TIR Metrics and A1C in PWD and its Association With Treatment-Related Variables'. 'Effects of customized structured SMBG on glycemic control in people with diabetes over 10 years', the original research from JDC, was also presented at ATTD.

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