Introduction to Jothydev's Diabetes and Research Center
Dr.M S Valiathan talks to Dr.Jothydev:Health and Medical Education in Kerala
Part. 1
Part. 2
Part. 3

June 22, 2021: 100 years of Insulin discovery: An Epic Saga


On 22 June 2021, Dr.Jothydev Kesavadev spoke on ‘En route to the Insulin centenary and overcoming psychological insulin inertia’ at a national webinar, ‘100 years of Insulin discovery: an epic saga’. The lecture was followed by a panel discussion moderated by Dr.Jothydev. Other panelists at the event were Dr.Sunil Prasobh, Dr.John Mathew, Dr.Roney Rubin. Dr. Nijisha chaired the sessions.

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